Welcome to Nina and Felix!

We're a team of parents who understand the joy and challenges of raising little ones. Fueled by our own experiences, we founded Nina and Felix to fill a gap we noticed in the market: the need for beautiful, Montessori-inspired toys that both entertain and educate.

With our own "little monsters" in mind, we've curated a selection of amazing toys designed to keep children engaged for hours. From vibrant wooden puzzles to sensory-rich activity sets, each product is carefully chosen to promote learning and exploration.

But we didn't stop there. We know that as parents, aesthetics matter too. That's why we've made it our mission to offer toys that not only entertain children but also enhance the look of your home. Say goodbye to cluttered playrooms and hello to stylish, functional toys that blend seamlessly with your decor.

At Nina and Felix, we believe in the power of play to inspire creativity, foster independence, and create lasting memories. Join us in creating a world where children thrive and parents rejoice in the beauty of childhood.